It's really happening: Virtual Haircuts
We recognize it's not ideal, but it's the best we can do to keep connected and to help supplement our staff as much as we can. We also know that something small like a haircut is good for mental health in these difficult times.
Sooo... let's help you do your own haircut - and anyone else in the household. We'll guide you in trimming around the ears, around the neck, off the ends, on top, etc.
If possible, have a significant other there on your call to help with the trimming on the back of the head - we'll make it easy!
We're offering this unique service temporarily, which we've found can actually work! Here's what you'll need to have on hand:
Clippers/trimmers - a beard trimmer can work
Clean scissors (these are optional)
Good lighting
Mirror (if possible, webcam also works)
Device camera at eye level
Optional swivel stool

Last note - we appreciate all those who are serving us now. First responders, frontline medical professionals and caregivers. If you are one of these amazing people, please email us - we want to provide services for you free or deeply discounted. Email us at so we can get you set up.
Thank you,
The Dapper & Dash Team